The Agricultural Department
The Agricultural Department

The Agricultural Department is responsible for all the winery’s vineyards.
The department handles over 1,000 hectares of vineyards throughout the country, deals with support and training for the wine growers, and carries out research and tests to improve the grapes.
Our wine growers work night and day in order to obtain from each vineyard the best and choicest grapes.
The department is made up of agronomists and consultants, and is organized by the various growing regions in the country.
The Agricultural Department is managed by Robbie Hendel, 35.
He is a native of Kibbutz Hulda. He was born and raised among the winery’s vineyards, and has worked there from a young age.
He was the operations manager of the largest private vineyard in Israel, Hulda Vineyard, for 6 years.
He is married with 2 children and lives in Hulda.
Winemakers Department